Ways To Gift Without The “Gift”

Instead of adding to the deluge of material items, consider giving experiences or really think of what matters the most to you this Christmas.

As Marie Kondo would agree, most of us have too much “stuff”.

So instead of adding to the deluge of material items, consider giving experiences or really think of what matters the most to you this Christmas. Most of the time, it isn’t STUFF. The best Christmas gifts aren’t always the most expensive. In fact, free (or almost free) Christmas presents usually require a bit more thought, care, and creativity. Your thought, time and energy will be appreciated by the recipient and make you feel good & warm & fuzzy too.  

Here are 3 ways to give at Christmas without buying a “gift”  

1) Offer your services:  

Coupons good for free house-sitting, pet-sitting, or babysitting would likely be welcome by any gift recipient. Get the kids crafting and designing some beautiful “gift certificates” for mom and dad or grandma and grandpa. As they are designing make sure to ask lots of questions to get chatting and engaging with you. 

2) Give the gift of donating money:  

You just choose a gift amount, then the person you donate to can give the money to a charity organization they love.  At TinyEYE we love and have worked with these charitable organizations:
Your local Food Bank
Canadian Youth Business Association  
Raj Manek Mentorship Foundation  
American Red Cross & Canadian Blood Services  
World Vision

3) TIME :

It seems the main thing we’re all poor in these days, is time. We’re always running against the clock, late for something, or sacrificing relaxation and sleep. Giving someone your time is a real sign of love and affection. Take your loved ones for coffee, help them organize their basement or build an outdoor hockey rink together. Time is money!!!  

TinyEYE  is your trusted advisor and the teletherapy company that can offer a big virtual hug when you need it the most. So make your holiday season all about the hugs and thoughts vs. the material things this Christmas.
