I’d thought I’d post a video blog I did a few months ago regarding online speech therapy and speech therapy telepractice.
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September is Women of Achievement Month
Did you know September is Women of Achievement month? If your community has a YWCA or Women’s Entrepreneurship center, there may be a celebration going on!
TinyEYE: Authentic Leadership Starts with Popcorn…and My Brother
Recently I was asked to ponder the question, “Who represents authentic leadership to you?” Immediately I shouted out, “My little brother!”
TinyEYE Reviewed in UK Speech Therapy Magazine
TinyEYE was reviewed in UK Speech Therapy Magazine, “Speech & Langauge Therapy In Practice”
TinyEYE: Check the Rules and Call Me in the Morning
The way I see it – if we gave up our personal rules, we would be giving up on our vision. I have seen the faces of children we have reached – they are worth every minute of those 1000 days.
TinyEYE: Benefits of Telepractice as per New York State Education Department
I just came across a report from the New York State Education Department regarding Telepractice (not just in Speech-Langauge Pathology).
TinyEYE: Mind Over Meltdown
Next time you feel a meltdown sneaking up – revisit the battery chargers. Also, grab that old hair brush and start singing
TinyEYE: Have You Praised a Child Today?
Have you praised a child today? This is a popular compilation of positive words. I challenge you to take a refresher-read and say something positive to every child you see today!
TinyEYE Speech Therapy Tips for Parents: Copy Cat and Chat
I’d thought I’d post a little YouTube video I did awhile back. It’s one of my speech therapy tips for parents called “Copy Cat and Chat.”
TinyEYE Motivation Lesson from Meet The Robinsons
Inspired by these kids, I have decided to unlearn how to give up. I have answered my own question, “How many times do I have to get back up?” My answer: “As many times as I fall”.