The following warning signs were taken from where you can also find very helpful information about understanding and trying to prevent a stroke.
Blog Grid
TinyEYE: Stuttering Role Models
Please do not struggle alone. Connect with a Speech-Language Pathologist, read through websites, become informed and empowered. Then one day, maybe you too will become that essential, life-changing role model to someone who needs hope.
TinyEYE: Tips For Parents About Stuttering
I received a link to information about helping children who stutter remain confident communicators. It is called 8 Tips To Assist Your Child From Stuttering & Stammering.
TinyEYE: Speech Therapy Service Barriers
Good things are happening to bring service providers to people in need. A news release this month reads: Saskatchewan Joins Provinces and Territories in Amending AIT (Agreement on Internal Trade).
TinyEYE: Considering Children with Disabilities
Children who are less mobile may be unable to seek out stimulating experiences or to exert control over their surroundings. This article offers some quick ideas for including special sensory experiences within your space so that all children can enjoy using their senses to learn, explore, and control.
TinyEYE: Whoosh Moments
As SLPs, how do we measure how far our collective contributions radiate throughout this world, one person at a time? I guess we go on faith, by believing in the value of our services, and knowing that those who we touch will embrace others beyond our reach.
TinyEYE: Children’s Communication Styles in Preschool
So much learning happens through playing in the preschool environment. Teachers are facilitators of their adventure. A brief overview is suggested below.
TinyEYE: Conversational Styles of Preschool Teachers
This article mentions eight general types of adult conversation styles as well as considerations for adapting that style in the early childhood center.
TinyEYE: Graduate Schools for Speech-Language Pathology
Today, education is within reach thanks to on-line schools. In addition, there are a tremendous amount of choices for universities worldwide.
TinyEYE: Free Job Board for School Districts Looking For Speech-Language Pathologists
Our team set-up a facebook group where School Districts can post their Speech-Language Pathologist job postings for free. Special Ed Directors and District HR Staff can post their job postings for the growing SLP Facebook community.