Progress with Coverage for Telepractice

“Be an opener of doors for such as come after thee.” ` Ralph Waldo Emerson Hi Everyone, Former speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Newt Gingrich, once said “If Thomas Edison invented electric light today, Dan Rather would report it on CBS News as “candle making industry threatened”.” Today, electric light shines on us […]

Speech Therapy Telepractice

“Be an opener of doors for such as come after thee.”

` Ralph Waldo Emerson

Hi Everyone,

Former speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Newt Gingrich, once saidIf Thomas Edison invented electric light today, Dan Rather would report it on CBS News as “candle making industry threatened”. Today, electric light shines on us as lasers for medical procedures, it beams the world to us via the television, and it enlightens and connects us as we attach ourselves to our computers and cell phones. Likewise, today’s telepractice has evolved so tremendously that Speech-Language Pathologists are providing captivating, productive, and successful services to children around the world. Telepractice is not a threat to our profession, it is our channel to making a difference where a difference is needed most. It provides us with a tool to extend our helping hands, to improve lives, to instill hope, to shine our light…do our job.

The fact is – there are regions that do not support telepractice. In fact, SLPs who serve children in those regions via telepractice would be putting their license at risk. Do you deny a child quality services at risk of losing your license to practice?

The fact is – there are regions that do not reimburse services provided via telepractice. Do you deny a child quality services because they cannot afford help? The help that is ours to give?

As a provider of speech therapy services through telepractice, I am a believer. Through telepractice, I believe that SLPs and their clients achieve an ardent bond with a priceless purpose. Knowing the skill and spark that SLPs exude, I believe that every single day, a child takes a step forward – ready to fly, thanks to the services they receive via telepractice. I believe that every single child deserves equal access to quality therapy services.

I often say that it is people, not process, who prevent service. I say this because people tend to lean on a process as an excuse for staying put. Well, there are growing numbers of people who have opted to make informed choices and move forward. Janet Deppe’s article, Gains Made in Legislation and Regulation, Challenges Remain, in the ASHA Leader Online outlines some major steps forward in regards to reimbursement for services provided via telepractice. I have include the paragraph regarding telepractice below:

To read the entire article, follow this link:

I commend every individual who used their voice and presence to make a difference. Although you may never fully recognize how far your impact will ripple or how many people will benefit from your efforts, you must know that people in need of services as well as their loved ones will experience more relief, more progress, more access, and more smiles because of you.

If a school district in your area needs Speech-Language Pathologists, please let me know by email as we at TinyEYE can help!


Marnee Brick, MSc
Speech-Language Pathologist and Director of Speech Therapy
TinyEYE Therapy Services (Speech Therapy Telepractice)

Growing smiles, mending spirits, engaging children in their lives Speech Therapy Telepractice